Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector Result 2020 – The preliminary result for Bihar police enforcement sub inspector is released by BPSSC. Candidates can check the result in Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC) at The final merit list is prepared on the basis of marks secured in written examination and interview round. Candidates have to appear and qualify physical standard test to appear in interview round. The minimum qualifying marks for general candidates is 40%. For further information related to Bihar Police enforcement sub-inspector result 2020 including the process to check result, minimum qualifying marks, tie breaking criteria, etc read the article below.
Latest: Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector Prelims Result 2020 is now available. Check below.
Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector Result 2020
The result for Bihar police enforcement sub inspector is released in the form of merit list. Candidates can find their roll numbeer in the merit list. Check the important dates for Bihar police enforcement sub inspector 2020 below.
Important Events | Important Dates |
date of prelims exam | 06 Dec 2020 |
Declaration of result | 16 Jan 2021 |
Check result here: Click here to check Bihar police enforcement sub inspector prelims result 2020.
How is result for Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector 2020 is calculated?
The provisional merit list is released and prepared after the commencement of the written examination. As per the answer key for Bihar police enforcement sub inspector, marking scheme is used to calculate the minimum qualifying marks. Candidates have to secure the minimum required marks which are as follows:
Written examination | Marks required |
Preliminary examination | 30% |
Main exmaination | 30% |
Those candidates who are able to secure he minimum qualifying marks for the written examination are called for PST. Qualifying PST will lead the candidate to interview round. The final result if prepared and declared on the basis of candidates’ performance in written examination and interview round. The minimum qualifying marks for final result is given in the next section.
Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector Qualifying Marks
After qualifying the written examination (including preliminary exam and main exam), candidates have to qualifying the marks for final merit list. Given below the marks required to qualify the examiation and have roll number in the final merit list.
Category | Qualifying marks |
SC/ST/Female candidates | 32% |
EBC candidates | 34% |
BC candidates | 36.5% |
General | 40% |
Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector 2020 Tie breaker
the final merit lst for Bihar police sub-inspector 2020 is prepared on the basis of marks secured in the written examination and interview round. In case, two or more candidates secure equal marks in the final merit list then the following tie-breaking criteria is taken under consideration:
- Candidates are placed in the merit list on the basis of their date of birth. Applicant who is older in age is placed higher in the merit list.
- In case above criteria is not valid then, candidate with higher educational qualification is placed higher in the merit list.
- In case both the above criteria is not valid then, candidates are ranked based on the first letter of their name as per the 10th certificate.
Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector 2020 Reservation
Check the reservation provided against the number of vacancies released by the BPSSC for various reserved category.
Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector 2020 Selection Procedure
Candidates must know about the selection procedure for the post they have applied for. The selection procedure for Bihar poluce enforcement sub inspector is conducted in 3 stages which are as follows:
- Written examination: This stage includes two steps – the preliminary exam and main examination. Questions asked in the written examination is in MCQ format. To qualify for the written examination, candidates have to secure minimum 30% marks in both pre and main examination. There is negative marking in both the examination.
- Physical Standard Test: After qualifying both the steps of written examination, candidates are called for PST. Both men and women have to qualify the same. Candidates are selected for next stage based on height, chest (only for male) and walking.
- Interview round: Candidates are called for interview round only after qualifying written examination and PST. In interview round, candidates are tested of their personality, subject knowledge, current affairs, and post qualities. This round is conducted for 30 marks.
How to check Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector Result 2020?
The result for Bihar police enformcement sub inspector will be declated at the official website. Candidates can check the result for Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector by following the steps mentioned below.
1st step: Go to the official website of BPSSC, or click on the link provided above.
2nd step: On the home page, allthe notifications will be present.
3rd step: Click on the PDF file provided for the result for Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector.
4th step: The PDF for the result of Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector will appear. With the help of CTRL + F, find roll number in the merit list.
5th step: If candidate is shotlisted, their name will be present on the list. Download the result for future reference.
About Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector
The examination for Bihar police enforcement sub-inspector is conducted by Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC). Candidates are required to pass graduation from a state recognised university. Applicants have qualify written examination, physical standard test, and interview round for final selection. The final merit list for enforcement sub inspector is prepared on the basis of marks secured in interview round and written exam (pre and main). The minimum qualifying marks whoch candidates have to secure to qualify exam is 40% for general, 32% for SC/ST candidates.
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