Rajasthan Police Constable Result 2020 – Rajasthan Police has released the result for Rajasthan Police Constable 2020 online. Candidates have to visit police.rajastahn.gov.in to check the result. On the website, the result is released in the form of a merit list. This merit list is prepared on the basis of marks applicants have secured in written examination, PST, and proficiency test. Rajasthan Police provides NCC candidates additional marks that add on to the result. Check the article below to get all information related to Rajasthan Police Constable result 2020.
Latest: Rajasthan Police Constable Result 2020 is now available. Check below.
Rajasthan Police Constable Result 2020
The result for Rajasthan Police Constable 2020 is released in the merit list. Category wise names of selected candidates are provided on the merit list. Some important dates for Rajasthan Police Constable 2020 is given below.
Important Events | Tentative Dates |
Offline Exam Date | |
Declaration of Result | 17 Mar 2021 |
Date of PET/PM | 24 Mar 2021 |
Check result here: Click here to check Rajasthan Police Constable result 2020.
How is Rajasthan Police Constable Result 2020 calculated?
After the commencement of the written examination, answer keys are released on the website. Based on the answer key, the marks of a candidate is calculated. For the calculation of marks, marking scheme of the written examination is referred which is as follows:
For correct answer | +1/2 marks |
For incorrect answer | -25% marks for every question |
Candidates are placed in the merit list based on their marks in written exam, ad PST/PET. Higher the marks of candidate, higher is the position in the merit list.
Rajasthan Police Constable 2020 Reservation
The selection of candidates is based on the category they belong to. Different sections of the society are provided with reservation benefits. Reservation policy for Rajasthan Police constable is as follows:
For Candidates who are domicile of the state of Rajasthan

Reservation for women

Reservation for Ex-servicemen

Selection Procedure for Rajasthan Police Constable 2020
The selection procedure of Rajasthan Police Constable 2020 includes 3 stages which are as follows:
- Written examination: Questions in written examinations are asked in objective format (MCQ type). The examination will be conducted in offline mode and for the duration of 2 hours. The question paper will have 4 sections.
- Physical Efficiency Test: For physical efficiency test, both male and female candidates have to be present. By taking this examination, candidates justify their physical fitness.
- Proficiency Test: Candidates are called for final proficiency test once they qualify PET.
Candidates who were/are part of NCC, home guard and police-related to Diploma, ar awarded with some extra marks. Based on marks secured in all rounds of selection, marks of NCC candidates are added and the result is declared.

Salary and Pension for Rajasthan Police Constable 2020
The information regarding the fixed remuneration and pension provided to candidates after selection is in the image below:

Cancellation of Candidature in Rajasthan Police Constable 2020
There are some instructions on which candidature of candidate is based on. It is important for candidates to keep the following instructions in mind.

Merit list for Rajasthan Police Constable Result 2020
The result for Rajasthan Police Constable 2020 is declared in merit list form. After the commencement of al rounds of selection, a merit list is prepared based on the marks scored by candidates in each stage. The said circular remains valid for all stage of selection. This means that if a candidate secures marks for his/her category and is not able to secure marks to qualify as unreserved category then his/her selection is not made under the reserved category.
Certificate verification Rajasthan Police Constable 2020
After the commencement of the written examination candidates are invited for Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Candidates have to carry the below-mentioned certificates (self-attested) for the verification.

How to check Rajasthan Police Constable Result 2020?
The result for Rajasthan police constable 2020 is declared online after each stage of selection procedure. To check Rajasthan Police Constable Result 2020, candidates can follow the steps mentioned below.
1st step: Visit the official website of Rajasthan police, police.rajasthan.gov.in or click on the link provided above.
2nd step: Once on the homepage, candidates have to click on the ‘recruitment and result’ link.
3rd step: Under this tab, the link to check result is present. Click on that link and candidates will be directed to another page.
4th step: On this page, all the links of result for all the recruitment conducted by Rajasthan Police is present. Search for the ‘Rajasthan police constable’ result.
5th step: Click on the link and a PDF file will open with category wise selection of candidates is displayed.
6th step: Download the PDF and search for roll number or name of the candidate.
About Rajasthan Police Constable
The recruitment for Rajasthan Police Constable is organized by Rajasthan police for the post of district constable, constable driver, and the constable general. 5000 vacant posts are released by Rajasthan police. Rajasthan Police invited online applications from eligible candidates. Official website of Rajasthan police where events for recruitment process are conducted is police.rajasthan.gov.in. The minimum educational qualification required is 10th pass for district police and 8th pass for RAC/MBC battalion.
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