Rajasthan Subordinate & Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB) has postponed a few examinations. Acknowledging the fact the COVID-19 may have a negative impact on the candidates, exams are held up till further notice. The examinations that are postponed is of Librarian. Previously, the exam was scheduled on April 12, 2020. Candidates are advised to check the official website to get recent updates and further notice about the recruitment.
RSMSSB Exam Postponement Notice
Through the recent notification, RSMSSB has conveyed that the examination for some recruitment is postponed. Check the notice below:

Through this notification, we can conclude that
- The examination for Librarian, Pharmacist and Agriculture Investigator is postponed.
- The examination of Librarian was scheduled for April 12, 2020, Pharmacist for April 19 2020 and Agriculture Investigator on May 10 2020.
- Due to the widespread of this deadly coronavirus, RSMSSB has decided to hold up the exam. This decision is finalized considering the current situation.
- A new date for the examination will be released on the official website.
About RSMSSB Examination
Each year, RSMSSB conducted examination for various recruitment. This year, RSMSSB scheduled the examination for Librarian on April 12, 2020. Till a new notice releases, read about the recruitment that is postponed.
RSMSSB Librarian
- Till now the application process for RSMSSB Librarian is completed.
- The written examination for RSMSSB Librarian was scheduled on April 12, 2020. However, this examination is postponed until further notice.
- The examination was RSMSSB Librarian is conducted through an offline examination.
- The total number of vacancies released for this post is 700.
- The selection is the post is done through written examination only.
Click here to know about the RSMSSB Librarian recruitment 2020
Impact of COVID -19 on Other Government Jobs
Not only RSMSSB has postponed the examination, but also several other recruitment body has decided to delay exams. We all know that diverse people reach to the examination centre to take the exam. As a precautionary measure to avoid the spread of COVID-19, recruitment bodies are avoiding masses to come together at one place. Here is the list of examination that are postponed due to COVID-19 outbreak:
- SSC CHSL 2018 Skill Test
- SSC CHSL 2019
- Indian Army
- LIC AAO/AA/Assistant Engineers
- Interviews and personality test conducted by UPSC
- APPSC Exam
- Interview of DRDO recruitment
- GPSC Police Inspector
- and many more
Get live updates for the examinations that are postponed – click here
How to Utilize the Time When Examination is Postponed?
Now that the examination for RSMSSB has been postponed, candidates can utilize this extended period to the fullest. We have suggested here some ways that may help a candidate during this extended time.
#1 Be productive: Do something creative like studying books, writing, or any examination related activities. This will help in the preparation as well as keep candidates busy all day.
#2 Study: Postponement of examination does not mean that it is relaxation time. Plan a schedule or keep the schedule that candidates were using earlier. Complete the complete syllabus for the examination or revise it as many times possible.