Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has issued KVS Admit Card. The admit card is issued for all those candidates who applied for various courses. The admit card of KVS is only released online, at, and the candidates were not been able to avail it via any other medium. Candidates had to enter Registration Number and Date of Birth to download the KVS Admit Card from the login. On the exam day, along with the admit card, the candidates also had to carry one Photo ID proof and a Black or Blue Ball point pen. Read the article below to know the process for download KVS Admit Card, important documents, instructions, banned items and more details.
KVS Admit Card 2018
KVS Hall Ticket 2018 is not dispatched offline. All the important details related to the candidate and the exam are mentioned on it. The candidates can check all the crucial dates for the exam and KVS Admit Card from the following table.
Recruitment | Admit Card Date | Date of Exam | Download here |
KVS Recruitment 2018 (Principal and Vice Principal) | 21 Nov 2018 | 29 Nov to 14 Dec 2018 | Click here |
KVS Recruitment 2018 for TGT, PGT, PRT, Librarian | 30 Nov 2018 | 22 & 23 Dec 2018 | Click here |
The screen for admit card download looks like image shown below.
Important Things to Carry with KVS Admit Card 2018
The KVS 2018 Admit Card is for sure an important document but the candidates also need to carry few other things with it, like:
- One photo ID proof such as PAN card, Aadhaar card, Driving license, Voter ID, Passport.
- Ballpoint pen (blue/black) of good quality.
List of banned items
Books, notes, bits of papers, geometry / pencil box , plastic pouch, pencil, scale, log table, writing pad, eraser, cardboard, electronic devices, watch, wrist watch, wallet, goggles, handbags, mobile phones, earphone, microphones, cameras, headphones, pen-drives, pager, Bluetooth devices, calculator, debit/credit card, electronic pen/scanners, food & beverages (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), water bottle and other items which could be used for unfair means.
Important Information in Admit Card 2018
The admit card of KVS 2018 will contain the details given below. After downloading the admit card, the candidates should check it and ensure that all of it is correct. If any discrepancy is detected on the admit card then the conducting body should be informed about it.
- Roll number
- Centre number
- Registration number
- Date of birth
- Name of candidate
- Gender
- Category
- Question paper medium
- Candidate’s address
- Centre of examination
- Date of exam
- Post applied for
- Timings
- Photograph
- Signature
It is expected that separate hall tickets for Primary Teachers, Trained Graduate Teachers, Post Graduate Teachers post candidates will be available. Keep login credentials handy to download KVS Recriutment Admit Card 2018.
Significance of KVS Recruitment Exam Admit Card 2018
Admit Card / Call letter will be issued for KVS Recruitment 2018 after the completion of Application form process. Call letter is issued for the candidates to appear in the written examination and interview. Interview call will be issued to those candidates who qualify for the written examination.
Candidates are required to download the call letter from KVS website or from the above link. Candidates shall be intimated about the same through e-mail / SMS by the exam conducting agency of the KVS. No correspondence shall be entertained by the KVS nor KVS shall send separate intimation to the candidates to this effect.
Important Instructions for KVS Call Letter 2018 and Exam
The candidates should make note of the below mentioned important instructions for the examination.
- The KVS admit card 2018 is to carried in good condition. The candidates should keep it safe even after the exam.
- A Late entry in the exam hall shall not be granted. The report time is 90 minutes before the exam.
- The center superintendent will not allow candidates to enter the exam hall without producing the KVS Admit Card and the ID proof.
- Before writing the credentials on the Test Booklet, the candidates must ensure the number of pages in it. Also, the candidates are not supposed to remove any page from the booklet.
- Candidates should only use a Black or Blue pen to circle the answers on an OMR sheet.
- AIMA has strictly prohibited the use of Pencil, White Fluid, Over Writing, etc on the OMR sheet.
- It is important to ensure that that in the OMR Sheet the for information Roll Number, Test Booklet Number & Code etc. has been darkened.
- The candidates will only be allowed to leave the exam hall after the exam concludes. The candidates will also have to sign the attendance sheet and hand over the OMR sheet as well.