Odisha Police Recruitment 2021 is conducted by Odisha Police State Selection Board (OPSSB). This page notifies all the upcoming and ongoing recruitment of police in Odisha State. The candidates who are seeking government jobs in defense can get all the recent recruitment news and stay updated. Even they can apply through this page as well. After apply they will get the admit card to appear in the selection procedure tests.
Recently Odisha Police State Selection Board released the notification for Odisha Police Constable. Apart from this Odhisha Police Recruitment is conducted for the post of Sub Inspector, Inspector, Officer, and many other posts.
Odisha Police Recruitment 2021
Get here all recruitment links.
- Odisha Police Drivers in Police Motor Transport – Advertisement in English | Odia – Postponement of written exam
- Odisha Police Constable Recruitment
- Odisha Police Constable Recruitment 2016-17
Notification for Odisha Police Recruitment 2021
OPSSB releases notification for the new recruitment in Odisha Police. By releasing the notification it gives intimation regarding the new recruitment and also invites applications from eligible candidates. At the same time, it also notifies about the open vacancies for any post in Odisha Police.
Application Form of Odisha Police Recruitment 2021
To reply back the notification of recruitment, the candidates have to apply in the given time frame. The application form works as the questionnaire to get information about the candidates. On the basis of the primary information, OPSSB decides which application is correct and acceptable. After that, such candidates whose applications accepted will get the admit card for recruitment.
Admit Card for Odisha Police Recruitment 2021
As soon as application process overs the recruitment authority verifies the applications of candidates. After verifying OPSSB issues the admit card for a recruitment exam to candidates. Admit Card will hold all important details regarding exam as well as the candidates which are essential for the exam. The candidates have to appear for the exam on the specified venue on admit card. An Admit card is the mandatory document for the purpose of the exam, so candidates should not forget to carry it.
Result for Odisha Police Recruitment 2021
After conduction of recruitment exam, the candidates can check the result for the test. In order to check the result, the candidates have to enter login credentials. The result shows the status of the qualifying. If it is the final result then complete the joining details otherwise go ahead for the rest of the recruitment test.