CGPSC 2022 State Service Examination was conducted on February 13, 2022. The preliminary examination of CGPSC SSE 2022 has conducted in two shifts. The exam of the first shift started at 10:00 am and ended at 12:00 the noon. Whereas, exam of 2nd shift started from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. As soon as the exam was over, the question paper and the answer key of CGPSC 2022 were released by various coaching institutes and centres. Candidates can predict their expected scores and cut off marks through these CGPSC answer keys.
Latest: CGPSC Prelims result announced. Check here
CGPSC Cut Off Marks 2022
For the CGPSC prelims, there is a qualifying mark and a cut off mark.
The qualifying marks for the prelim examination of CGPSC SSE 2022 are decided by the commission. The qualifying criteria to clear the preliminary examination is 33% marks for unreserved category and 23% marks for reserved category.
Difference between qualifying marks and cut off: You need the qualifying marks in order to be considered for merit list. If you are in the merit list, and if you have marks equal to or more than cut off, then you are shortlisted for the next level. Qualifying marks is pre-fixed. Cut off is decided after the exam, depending upon difficulty level of exam, average performance of candidates, and other such factors.
For cut off, the marks obtained by the last candidate selected will be the score for cut off. This will be disclosed with result.
Here we are talking about the expected cut off.
The expected cut off marks of CGPSC SSE 2022 preliminary exam is as follows:
Category | Expected Cut off |
General | 110-120 |
OBC | 105-112 |
SC | 102-108 |
ST | 100-105 |
Now for expected cut off, we first need the analysis of the paper
Difficulty Level of Exam: The level of the question paper of the preliminary SSE exam was a bit difficult.
CGPSC SSE 2022 paper 1 consisted of 100 multiple choice questions from General Studies. Whereas, paper 2 had 100 questions from Aptitude Test. Paper 2 is qualifying in nature as it only examines the General Aptitude of the candidate.
The subject and topic-wise exam analysis of paper 1 is given below. Through this analysis candidates can calculate their expected cut off marks and scores.
Part A – General Knowledge
History of India and Indian National Movement | 14 | Easy to Moderate |
Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India & World | 8 | Easy to Moderate |
Constitution of India and the Indian Polity | 18 | Moderate |
Indian Economy | 8 | Moderate |
General Science and Technology | 5 | Easy to Moderate |
Indian Philosophy, Art, Literature and Culture | 5 | Easy to Moderate |
Current Affairs and Sports | 14 | Easy to Moderate |
Hindi | 6 | Moderate |
Chhattisgarh Special | 22 | Easy to Tough |
Part B – General Knowlege of Chattisgarh
Subject | No. of Questions | Difficulty Level |
History of Chhattisgarh and Contribution of Chhattisgarh in the Freedom Movement | 8 | Difficult |
Geography, Climate, Physical Status, Census, archaeological and Tourist Centers of Chhattisgarh | 13 | Moderate |
Literature, Music, Dance, Art and Culture, Idioms and Proverbs, Puzzle/riddle, singing of Chhattisgarh | 9 | Difficult |
Economy, Forest and Agriculture of Chhattisgarh | 6 | Moderate |
Administrative Structure, Local Government and Panchayati raj of Chhattisgarh | 7 | Moderate |
Industry in Chhattisgarh, Energy, Water and Mineral resources of Chhattisgarh | 3 | Moderate |
Current affairs of Chhattisgarh | 2 | Moderate |
Knowledge of Hindi Language, including Chhattisgarhi language | 1 | Difficult |
Important things to note on the CGPSC prelims cut off
- This is an expected data, based on analysis of the paper and past year trends.
- Expected data will vary from actual data due to live factors.
- The expected cut off is only provided for reference of candidates.
- Candidates must thus not take any decision on its basis at once.
If you want to share your insights on the CGPSC Prelims 2022 cut off, do let us know in the comments below!
The expected cut off marks of CGPSC SSE 2020 preliminary exam is as follows:
Name of Exam | No of posts | Expected Cut off |
CGPSC SSE 2020 paper 1 | 199 | 128 – 131 |
CGPSC SSE 2020 paper 2 | 199 | 135 – 140 |