Ordnance Factory Recruitment Centre, on behalf of all the Ordnance Factories has released official notification for eligible citizens of India for filling up the 4110+695 (PH,Ex-SM) vacancies/posts of Semi-Skilled grade Industrial Employees (IEs) Group ‘C’ in different trades and Labour Group ‘C’ in various Ordnance Factories located across India. Eligible and interested candidates filled their Application form through here. All the candidates requested to read all the instruction carefully before filling the Application Form. Candidates who are participating in the above recruitment process for various posts can check the complete information of Ordnance Factory OFB Industrial Employees (IEs) Group C Recruitment 2017 like application process, eligibility criteria, age limit, selection process through this page below.
Ordnance Factory OFB Industrial Employees (IEs) Group C Recruitment 2017
Important Dates
Event | Dates |
Start date of submission of online application | 19 Jun 2017 |
Last date for submission of online application | 10 Jul 2017 |
Date of Written Exam for First Phase | 10 Sep 2017 |
Result of Written Exam | 27 Dec 2017 |
Re-Examination of Carpenter trade | 25 Feb 2018 |
Re-Examination Final Answer Key | 21 Mar 2018 |
Re-Examination Result | 11 Apr 2018 |
Date of Written Exam for Second & Third Phase | to be announced |
Quick Links
Vacancies Details
Total No. of Post – 4110
States | Vacant Positions |
Bihar | 62 |
Chandigarh | 50 |
Maharashtra | 976 |
Madhya Pradesh | 824 |
Orissa | 465 |
Tamil Nadu | 306 |
Telangana | 133 |
Uttarakhand | 298 |
Uttar Pradesh | 871 |
West Bengal | 125 |
Total | 4110 |
Name of The Post – Industrial Employees (Semi-Skilled) & Labour Group ‘C’
Pay Band – Pay Band-1 (Rs.5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 1800 (pre-revised), Entry Level Pay in 7th CPC 18000.
OFB IEs Group C Recruitment 2017 – Eligibility Criteria
The Candidates applying for the aforementioned vacancies should ensure that they fulfil all eligibility conditions for the post/trade applied for. Their admission to all the stages of the selection procedure will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of admit card to the candidate for the written examination will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally accepted by OFRC/OFB. Verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents will be done only at the time of trade test in the respective factories.
Age Limit – 18 to 32 year (Minimum Age 18 year for all categories) as on the closing date of online applications.
Educational Qualifications
Semi Skilled Workman : Matriculation + National Trade Certificate (NTC)/National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) issued by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT).
Labour: Matriculation
For Ex-Servicemen: Technicians with upgrading qualifications of Class – III equivalent to NAC. (With due endorsement of the equivalence of Civil Qualification on their certificate) OR Technicians with upgrading qualifications of Class – II & Class I equivalent to NTC. (With due endorsement of the equivalence of Civil Qualification on their certificate)
NOTE 1: Degree/Diploma holders in engineering without possessing NAC/NTC shall not be accepted as qualification for Direct Recruitment for the posts of semi-Skilled Industrial Employees against this advertisement.
NOTE 2: Trade-wise relevant NAC/NTC certificates required for Direct recruitment of Industrial employees are enclosed.
NOTE 3: While applying online, PH Candidates should ensure their eligibility for the trades. Posts identified suitable for Physically Disabled Category along with the Physical Requirements and Functional Classifications.
Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen/ Physically Handicapped etc. categories is available as per extant Government orders. Candidate will be eligible to get the benefit of community/caste reservation only in case the particular caste to which the candidate belongs to is included in the list of reserved communities recognized by the State Government of the State in which the factory is located.
Candidates are also warned that they will be permanently debarred from the examinations conducted by OFRC, in case they fraudulently claim SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen/PH status.
OFB IEs Group C Recruitment 2017 – Exam Pattern
There will be a written examination of one paper. The paper will be of “Objective-Multiple-choicetype” of maximum 100 marks.
The paper will consist of two parts:
- Part -A will consist of 20 marks having questions on General Science and Quantitative Aptitude, each having weightage of 10 marks. The question will be of up to 10th Standard.
- Part – B will consist of 80 marks of NCVT syllabus for the relevant trade.
All the Questions will be compulsory. There will be no negative marking for the wrong answer.
The subject of the written examination, the maximum marks allotted to each paper, no of questions and the time allowed is given in the table below:-
For Labour Posts
Scheme (Xth Standard Level)
Trade Test
As per trade test specifications, an unskilled workman will be mainly engaged on handling/shifting of material. He will also be required to clean machines, floors of shop/areas around machines and other similar places, if and as necessary. The trade test may be designed accordingly to test the aptitude of the candidate. However, this test will be of qualifying nature only.
Final grading will be decided based only on marks obtained in written test subject to qualifying in the prescribed trade test.
There shall be no interview for filling up of these vacancies.
Medium of Examination
The examination will be trilingual, i.e., Hindi, English and regional language of the State where the factory against which the candidate has applied is located. With reference to Ordnance Factories and their respective locations, this translates to English, Hindi & any one regional language among the following- Bengali/ Marathi/Oriya/Tamil/Telugu. It may be noted that candidates can appear only for that regional language of the state where the factory concerned is located and will have to appear for examination in that State/Centre only.
OFB IEs Group C Recruitment 2017 – Selection Process
The selection process shall comprise a 2 stage process:
- Written examination of 100 marks, objective type and OMR based
- Trade Test (Practical) at respective factory along with document verification
On the basis of merit list based on marks obtained in written test, candidates 1.25 times the number of vacancies shall be called for Trade Test (Practical).
The Trade Test (Practical) shall be only qualifying in nature, without any marks. However, those candidates who do not qualify in the Trade Test shall not be considered at all, irrespective of marks obtained in the written examination.
The credentials (as submitted in the application) of the candidates called for the trade test (Practical) will be verified with the original documents at the time of Trade Test at the respective factory.
The final merit/select list shall be based on marks obtained in the written test only, subject to document verification and qualifying the Trade Test.
The final merit/select list thus prepared factory wise will be published at http://www.ofb.gov.in.
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