Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) has decided to postpone a few examinations that were scheduled in the month of April and May 2020. Considering the current situation of the spread of COVID-19, CGPSC has postponed the examination for Assistant Professor and Civil Judge. Earlier the examination of Assistant Professor was scheduled for May 04, 05, and 06 2020. CGPSC Civil Judge was scheduled for May 17, 2020. Due to the widespread of the pandemic, examinations for Assistant Professor and Civil Judge are suspended. Both the examinations are postponed until further notice. New dates will be released bu CGSPC shortly at the official website of CGPSC. Candidates are advised to visit the official website of CGPSC to get the recent updates related to the postponement of examination.
CGPSC Exam Postponement Notice
Given below is the notice through which CGPSC has conveyed the postponement of Assistant Professor and Civil Judge. Read along to get all the information about the CGPSC Assistant Professor and Civil Judge Postponement.
Key highlights of the notification:
- The examination for Assistant Professor and Civil Judge is now postponed.
- The examination for Assistant Professor was earlier scheduled for May 04, 05, and 06 2020. Similarly, the Civil Judge exam was scheduled for May 17, 2020.
- The examination is now held up until further notice.
- New dates will be announced in the new notice which will release on the website.
Know About the Examinations Postponed
Every year, CGPSC conducts recruitment examination. For this year also, CGPSC has scheduled examinations in the month of April and May 2020. Now, the examinations scheduled for these months are postponed. Here is a gist of the examination about their selection procedure, exam pattern.
CGPSC Civil Judge
- The examination for Civil Judge is done through online mode of examination.
- The duration of this examination is of 02 hours.
- The paper is set in two languages that are English and Hindi.
- Candidates have to appear for 03 rounds for the selection as Civil Judge. The selection procedure includes a preliminary round, main examination and interview round.
CGPSC Assistant Professor
- The examination for Assistant Professor is conducted through online mode of examination.
- The duration of the examination of Assistant Professor is of 03 hours.
- For the selection fo Assistant Professor, candidates must appear for the written examination and then interview round.
Impact of COVID -19 on Other Government Jobs
Many examinations of different states are postponed. Not only state-level but several national level examinations are also suspended until further notice. The spreading roots of coronavirus has made a negative impact on these examinations process. For reference, here is the list of examinations that are postponed due to the impact of COVID-19.
- Karnataka TET
- Kerala SET 2020
- SSC KKR CHSL 2018 Skill Test
- SSC NR CHSL 2018 Skill Test
- RSMSSB Agriculture Investigator
- LIC AAO/AE/Assistant Engineer
- RSMSSB Pharmacist
- RSMSSB Librarian Grade II
- Indian Army
- Interviews and personality test of UPSC
- DRDO Interview, and many more
Click here to get live updates for the examinations that are postponed
How to Utilize the Time When Exams are Postponed?
With the extended period in hand, how can you utilize it? Candidates can do nothing about the extension of examination schedule except for the wait and using this time. Here are some activities that candidates can attempt.
First thing that candidates can do is to keep an eye on the official website. It may sound boring but CGPSC can release new dates for Assistant Professor and Civil Judge any time soon. It is necessary to regularly visit the official website of CGPSC.
Start reading something which helps in increasing the knowledge. You can refer to the newspapers, novels, editorials, documentaries or anything you prefer. Just keep in mind that this is another way off being productive and increasing the knowledge.
Extended period of examination does not mean candidates will stop their preparation. The hard work that you have been doing for the past a few months will be no use if preparations are on hold. Keep the preparations on point with the study plan and reference books. Try to stay at home instead of studying n the library or at friends home.
Stay At Home Stay Safe.